The threats of terrorism, war, and climate change are growing global concerns, leading to increased spending on chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE) defense equipment by government parties globally.
CBRNE Defense Systems
CBRNE defense requires the use of portable systems capable of detecting and identifying threats. CBRNE detectors are used in war, during terrorist threats, at border crossings to prevent the entrance of contraband into a jurisdiction, by hazmat response teams in the event of accidental or intentional exposures, and by law enforcement to detect illicit narcotics and drugs, including fentanyl, at the sample site. CBRNE detectors are also used to protect the public at venues such as sports and concert stadiums, courthouses, and office buildings.
Implementing detection systems into an organization's CONOPS can be challenging due to the wide range of potential threats, the complexity of CBRNE technology platforms, and the the deployment and sustainment challenges required to successfully use these systems in the field. NOBLE provides a resource to meet these challenges.
NOBLE professionals work with strategic partners who develop state-of-the-art equipment, providing the solutions needed to get the job done safely -- protecting first responders, security personnel, warfighters, and the public.
NOBLE offers subject matter expertise in CBRNE products, training, and services. Our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) understand our customers’ operational challenges and requirements, offer the best solutions, and provide streamlined procurement contracting vehicles, installation, training, and service throughout their product's life cycle. NOBLE provides lifecycle support as you select, procure, deploy, maintain, and decommission your CBRNE technology and related equipment.
NOBLE’s services include our proprietary Training programs and ReadiTrak equipment maintenance software.
Learn more about NOBLE CONTRACTS
Learn more about NOBLE TRAINING
Learn more about READITRAK
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