June 27, 2019

Sept. 11, 2001: Light out of Darkness - Chemical of the Month

Today marks the 16th anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001. On this day, we reflect in honoring all victims and families affected by that infamous day. We also pay our respects to the selfless and heroic acts of the brave firefighters, law enforcement and military personnel who responded as well as to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice that day. This day also gives us the opportunity to reflect on how unified our country can be and come together as one. As Americans, we were all affected by the tragedy of 9/11, but we should all be at piece in knowing that light shall shine out of darkness.

In this special edition of HazMatIQ’s Chemical of the Month, Cris and Joe relive not only the events of that day, but how the firefighter community bonded together and rose out of the ashes to help their fallen brothers. This bonding, along with their desire to support and train other responders, led them to form one of the greatest HazMat Response Training courses available today.

While the showing of support for first responders and law enforcement may be hindered with the events and attitudes of today, Federal Resources remains committed to keeping these brave men and women safe from harm. We will continually fight for these heroes and support them with the latest technology, training, and solutions needed for successful missions. We are stronger, and safer, because of them. Their commitment to us drives our commitment to them on a daily basis. We truly, will never forget.

Thank you all for your service. Stay safe, and God bless.

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