June 21, 2013

HazMatIQ Introduces Emergency Radiological Prepardness Training

HazMatIQ released June 20th at the unveiling of Federal Resources Headquarters that they would be adding a new training to their course list.  “This HazMatIQ course will enable responders to safely and efficiently respond to radiological emergencies with confidence,” said Joe Gorman, HMIQ creator.  The days of not understanding all the information, scientific terms, various meters and how to incorporate all tools into a response plan, is gone.  REM, Curies, Becquerel, Gamma, radionuclides, Co60, Cs137, stay times, RIDs, RADs and everything in between will be transformed from disconnected definitions into essential actionable information used in the hot zone to connect the dots. RadIQ uses the core HazMatIQ training principles of making HAZMAT easy to understand and is designed to train responders in the use, interpretation and selection of a variety of radiological instruments, PPE and incorporating risk-based decisions used in HazMat/WMD response incidents.

All HazMatIQ by Federal Resources training is available on Federal Resources training portal cbrnetraining.com. This portal allows users to view training, trainer’s bios, training calendars and request quotes. HazMatIQ will customize any course to fit the needs of the customer’s mission.

The HazMatIQ system is the creation of firefighters and hazmat technicians, Joe Gorman and Cris Aguirre with a combined experience of 50-years. HazMatIQ systematic approach to chemistry, assisting responders in the selection of the personal protective gear and air monitoring meters to safely mitigate the hazardous situations has proven to decrease response time and save lives.

For more information on training contact Cara Gorman, Director of Operations at hazmatiq@julianneg3.sg-host.com

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